I just interviewed for a position in a psych unit and the unit manager seemed very particular asking me if I was able to keep up especially with paperwork since she is looking for someone who can cross train into charge nurse. She asked how much orientation I wanted and I told her that I'm ok with anything from 4-12 weeks which is pretty much the average in many units. She seemed taken aback and replied that 12 weeks sounds more like a new grad internship... bla bla bla. Long story short, I think I did ok. I have psych background in an inpatient long term psych facility but not in a hospital setting. I was wondering if anyone here can describe a typical day on your unit. I'm sure that with psych patients no two days are the same but I'd like to know what you do so I can have a better understanding of what I'm getting into before I accept a position. Thanks in advance!