Rose_Queen BSN, MSN, RN

OR, Nursing Professional Development

Editorial Team / Admin

About Rose_Queen

Rose_Queen has 19 years experience as a BSN, MSN, RN and specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Rose_Queen started her nursing career over a decade ago in the OR as a new grad. She has experience in multiple surgical specialties and currently works as a Nursing Professional Development Specialist.

Curious about the OR? New to the OR and have questions or want advice? I'd love to chat! Feel free to private message me or post in the OR nursing forum under specialties

Latest Activity

  1. Rose_Queen

    Mercy College of Health Sciences ABSN Fall 2024

    Please note: Post(s) have been edited or removed to protect your privacy and/or to comply with our Community Terms of Service. To create a special place for your cohort: 1. Create a student "Club" for your...
  2. Rose_Queen

    Pre-nursing student asks which nurses make the most money?

    Like NPs, this requires additional education, mostly now at the doctorate level. It's not just a specialization for RNs.
  3. Rose_Queen

    Samuel Merritt University FALL 2024 BSN

    Please be aware that the forums are public and that when posting emails they can be viewed by anyone, anywhere, and may become targets for spam. Some posts containing an email address are automatically held for manual approval- particularly gmail ...
  4. Rose_Queen

    Samuel Merritt University FALL 2024 BSN

    Please note: Post(s) have been edited or removed to protect your privacy and/or to comply with our Community Terms of Service. To create a special place for your cohort: 1. Create a student "Club" for your...
  5. Rose_Queen

    New NP Grad Quitting after 1 month

    Facts are facts. As someone involved in hiring, I'd want to know the full picture. Our references aren't attributed to an individual; they are aggregated by a third party so I can see an average score of 4/7 on attendance but not who gave what score....
  6. Rose_Queen

    Rio Hondo College ADN Fall 2024 Applicants

    Please note: Post(s) have been edited or removed to protect your privacy and/or to comply with our Community Terms of Service. To create a special place for your cohort: 1. Create a student "Club" for your co...
  7. Rose_Queen

    New NP Grad Quitting after 1 month

    Anything is actionable in this litigation happy society. And when the defendants whip out the employee file with all their proof, not only is that suit going to be thrown out, the plaintiff is going to end up responsible for the defendant's legal fee...
  8. Rose_Queen

    Should I work while waiting for new grad program?

    Proceed with caution - will you still be eligible for the residency if you accept a nursing position? My previous employer did not accept applicants into residency if they'd worked even a single day in the RN role regardless of setting. Research firs...
  9. Rose_Queen

    Samuel Merritt University FALL 2024 BSN

    Please note: Post(s) have been edited or removed to protect your privacy and/or to comply with our Community Terms of Service. To create a special place for your cohort: 1. Create a student "Club" for your co...
  10. Rose_Queen

    Mount Saint Mary's University (MSMU) ABSN Fall 24

    This might work 😉
  11. From the CMS report: From her own BON testimony
  12. Rose_Queen

    Concordia University Irvine (CUI) ABSN Fall 2024

    As a reminder
  13. This was her home unit, which was so well staffed that RV didn't even have a patient assignment and was a free helper for the nurses who did have patient assignments. She should be familiar with "the very dangerous medications" used on her own unit a...
  14. For those who would like to see the primary sources: Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Report CMS Report Board of Nursing Hearing Day 1 Board of Nursing Hearing Day 2
  15. Rose_Queen

    New NP Grad Quitting after 1 month

    This is a common misconception. If it is factual, it is legal. However, internal policies may be more restrictive. Source