Topics About 'Nursing Spirituality'.

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Found 6 results

  1. Death: The Reason I Became a Nurse

    Death is the reason why I decided to become a nurse. I know, it's a rather strange thing to say and I probably don't mean it in the way that most would. I don't see myself as a caped avenger, fighting death. In fact, in many cases, Death is welcome. ...
  2. jadelpn

    Losing my religion

    Ah, the lively religious debate. As nurses, we all take care of a multitude of patients, all with specific, and sometimes not so specific, emotional/spiritual needs. And unless one works within a religious entity, here's my take on why a nurse's own ...
  3. tnbutterfly - Mary

    Intensive Prayer Unit

    Many patients find prayer to be very comforting and uplifting. Several hospitals, such as Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, utilize a program called Intensive Prayer Unit to help address one's spiritual needs. The program's goal is to provide pray...
  4. jadelpn

    Death Is A Journey

    It is always a good thought when one decides they would like to die at home. Surrounded by loved ones, in their own beds. But as the time grows near, many decide that they would rather be in a hospital room, surrounded by loved ones, with a nurse who...
  5. TheCommuter

    The Power Of Prayer in Healthcare

    According to Oxford Dictionaries, prayer is defined as a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity. Although people usually associate praying with organized religion, prayers can incorporate spirituality withou...
  6. Is Faith Enough?

    I use to think that faith was enough- that if I had enough faith, I could accomplish anything. Faith is something that I think can lead us into the belief of being able to have a stronghold on life. When the tough gets going, we start to see that clo...