Topics About 'Nursing Assessment'.

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  1. Assessment of the abdomen is important for nursing students, new grads, and veteran nurses alike. For the newer nurses, the skill has to be repeated consistently to ensure that it becomes a routine. For veteran nurses, they may forget some of the nua...
  2. TheCommuter

    The Present-Oriented Patient

    Even though the telephone conversation took place more than four years ago, I remember the details with striking clarity. My best friend, who was working as a nurse at a county-owned clinic in a low income area at the time, called me to talk about a ...
  3. traumaRUs

    National Sepsis Month

    The Need for Speed for Sepsis Care - Technology's Benefit for NursesThe impact sepsis has on U.S. healthcare can't be denied. As the leading cause of death in U.S. hospitals and the nation's third leading killer, sepsis kills 258,000 patients (Sepsis...