Topics About 'Humility'.

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Found 3 results

  1. Summer 2000, Alexandria, Virginia. Excited beyond all reason! I was finally in Nursing School, at age 30. I'd entertained the idea of nursing before, but didn't believe I was "smart enough". After three semesters of prerequisites with straight A's, I...
  2. The Sweet Old Man in Room 724...

    One can forever discuss the unmistakable magnificence of mountains or sunsets, or millions of other unforgettable miraculous occurrences. So many moments we take for granted, assuming other such moments will follow with scarcely a thought as to how f...
  3. J.Adderton

    Humble Nurses Do This

    A Time I Lacked Humility Early in my nursing career, I worked as a home health nurse. I took much pride in my work performance. My team leader boasted on how we formed the "A-Team" and I worked hard for this label. Mrs. X was my patient for over ...