Topics About 'Ghost Stories'.

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  1. The ringing phone cuts through a restless slumber. I had been having strange, distressing dreams--the kind where you wake up without remembering specifics, but you just know you were having a nightmare. I shoot up at the shrill noise, my heart racing...
  2. anashenwrath

    A Security Escort

    "Good morning, good morning!" Michelle called cheerily as she approached the nurse's station. She was met with a couple grumbled good mornings and eye rolls. Most of the day shift staff weren't "morning people," and the night shift was definitely not...
  3. When I was a new nurse back in 1993, I worked in a very old hospital in the UK. It was an old TB institute that became a large teaching hospital probably around the 1950's. It had old long drafty corridors which didn't lock to the outside. The wind w...
  4. The Grey Nurse

    I chose to work as an agency nurse to increase the range of my experience. I was able to work at a number of large metropolitan hospitals. As I lived regionally I would work night duty or PM duty to make traveling easier. Working as an agency nurse n...