Topics About 'Care Plans'.

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Found 39 results

  1. Over 17,000 people sustain spinal cord injuries yearly in the United States. This severe and often life-changing condition happens when a sudden, traumatic event injures the tightly-packed bundle of neurons and nerves of the spinal column. Severe spi...
  2. Table of Contents Full-term vs. Preterm Infants Newborn Assessment Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plans Gas Exchange Nursing Assessment Rationales Newborn Diagnoses NCLEX Readings...
  3. Table of Contents Diagnosis At-Risk Populations Complications Treatments Nurse's Role Nursing Care Plans Impaired Gas Exchange Ineffective Airway Clearance Ineffecti...
  4. Table of Contents Understanding Obesity Nursing Care Plans More Nursing Diagnoses Obesity NCLEX Questions Readings and Resources Additionally, 50 percent of people surveyed by Harvard University i...
  5. Table of Contents Signs & Symptoms Assessment Factors Affecting Causes Treatments Complications Nurse's Role Nursing Care Plans Hypernatremia Hyponatremia ...
  6. Version 1.0.0

    Intro to Nursing Care Plan Guide 1st Edition. Available in .pdf/.doc format. Download one or both. 80 Pages CONGRATULATIONS on getting into nursing school and beginning your journey to join the ranks of the most trusted, meaningful, an...

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  7. Time to get rid of care plans?

    Does anyone else agree that care plans are an extremely ineffective and outdated way to learn? I found myself getting so frustrated during clinicals this quarter because due to COVID, we didn't have in-person clinicals last quarter and it looks like ...
  8. Here is the case. A 48 years old woman who just had abdominal surgery. And she is having an IV infusion of 5% dextrose running at 500mL in 6hours. The IV stopped running and her infusion site is swelling and pallor. She is also complaining about the ...
  9. Before I started nursing school, I read how I was going to have to do tons and tons of care plans. The reality of my nursing school, however, is that we do literally ONE care plan per semester. Some clinical instructors do make us informally come up ...
  10. Nursing Care Plans/Diagnosis

    I am working on now my ageing process paper and I cannot find the proper nursing diagnosis for Anxiety with financial issues, I am working with a group on this paper and this is the Nanda project I was given. The scenario is the patient is 99 yrs old...
  11. Postpartum Care Plan

    Ineffective Breastfeeding R/T situational crisis AEB pt verbalization of not being able to breastfeed while her baby is in the NICU. NOC: Pt will use breast pump effectively by the end of shift. NIC: Educate pt on the use of ...
  12. Nursing Care Plan Help

    Diagnosis: Dysfunctional Gastrointestinal motility- the state in which an individual is experiencing increased, decreased, ineffective or lack of peristaltic activity within the gastrointestinal system. Related to: decreased peristaltic activity As E...
  13. Care plan shame

    I feel that I can't get a care plan right, when I do my patient assessment and return to my care plan I'm always missing so many things I did not look for during my assessment so I suck and my care plan. I have problems coming up with interventions m...
  14. I have a care plan due this week. I know its short notice but the teacher told us it was due the last week of class but the syllabus states this week so I want to be safe then sorry. I have have no clue what I am doing. When I asked the instructor Ho...
  15. Care Plan for Abdominal Abscess

    I am a student nurse working on a care plan for a patient with the primary diagnosis of intra abdominal abscess. I am having trouble coming up with acceptable nursing diagnoses for this patient. He presented with leg pain and a fever, however th...
  16. Post op nursing care plan help

    i'm working on a nursing care plan for a general surigcal patient (no specific surgery... just a post op patient). for the assignment i'm working on, i have to have 4 nursing diagnosis, 3 interventions for each diagnosis, rationale for each intervent...
  17. Hey all, I've been working on an A&E assignment lately. I was supposed to come up with the three most important nursing diagnosis for the trauma patient I've taken care in Red Zone. Here are some of the significant findings from primary and ...
  18. Infections responsible for sepsis can quickly lead to septic shock, causing multi-organ failure and death. According to the World Health Organization, sepsis accounted for nearly 20% of all worldwide deaths in 2017, including 2.9 million children und...
  19. Chemotherapy Care Plan

    Can someone please help with nursing diagnosis and care plans? My pt was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, but he was not in pain so I can't include this issue in my care plan. He was anemic and this is indicated in his labwork, but what really s...
  20. L/D Care Plan Help PLEASE

    I am a level one RN student on my first OB clinical rotations and care plans are still very new to me. I must turn in a concept map with supporting data for each of my diagnoses and an intervention sheet with at least 6 interventions and patient resp...
  21. cjcsoon2bnp

    Nursing Diagnosis/Care Plan Help

    Hey everyone. I have been trying to figure this out for hours now and after consulting with my nursing professor and running through care plan books I am pretty much at the same place I started at and I'm at wits end. Basically here is my situation.....
  22. Does anyone have a good nursing diagnosis using r/t and also AEB for an IV infiltration? Nurse must not have checked patient most of the night because when I got there for my clinicals the 10 year old boy's hand was swollen and all his fluids had run...
  23. Care plan for diverticulitis

    Alright, I'm having a hell of a time with this care plan. My patient was relatively healthly prior to having his sigmoid colon removed secondary to diverticulitis. My diagnoses are: Constipation related to use of opoid analgesics and manipulation of ...
  24. I am a student and care plans are bad for me. I need help with the small bowel obstruction no surgery.
  25. I am currently looking after a patient with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and multiple past CVAs. Patient has expressive aphasia and only responds to loud auditory stimuli. What kinds of psychosocial diagnoses would work here? I was thinking... ...