help!? Which job do I take?


I'm 27, I've been an RN for two years on a very busy med/surg floor. I recently have been looking for a change. I absolutely love hospice nursing and have cared for numerous hospice patients on my floor. I applied and was offered a position at a hospice house. Hours are great, pay is about the same. However, I also applied and got a position on the tele/cardiac floor at my hospital now, same pay, decent hours. My dilemma is, do I want to go full time Hospice at such a young time in my career and not utilize all my acute skills and certifications like advanced cardiac life support, or do I pursue cardiac, as I have always been interested in that and eventually leading to more intensive care nursing. Two complete different positions and I don't know what to do!!!! Please help!

If you've always been interested in a higher acuity, it makes sense to go with the tele position ...that's assuming all else is equal. I'd rather be "stuck" in a good place than have "opportunity" in a bad one.

Do you have a clear idea of where you want to be at in 5 or 10 years? Because if you envision yourself as an ICU nurse, for example, you should pursue the cardiac tele position, no doubt about it. However, if you're not sure where you want to go with your career, then really neither one is a bad choice. The beauty of nursing is that there are all types of positions available to you, and if you're unhappy doing one thing you can easily switch to another. Best of luck to you.

So please update us on what job you decided on. Are you content with where you are at now?

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