Published Aug 17, 2010
ThinkerBelleRN, BSN, RN
177 Posts
Hi everyone! I just submitted my pack 1 forms. However, i have not paid the 140 GBP fee yet. I'm actually having second thoughts in completing my application for NMC because I have no employer yet (and has been 3 months now since the agency promised us that there will be employers soon). You can say I'm just hesitant to waste money on something I'm not sure of especially with the current bleak UK nursing job market, and God knows when there will be vacancies available for foreign nurse like me.
Given that the terms of the decision letter which require the nurse to be in the UK for ONP within the two years, I am apprehensive that my efforts and money would be futile because as of now there is no assurance that I can be in the UK within that that given length of time.
Having said all that, I am wondering if I can just cancel my application for NMC at the moment and request for new forms later on? Is that possible? Will that cost me additional money? is that even smart? I really would want to work in UK someday, but as of the moment i would just grab any opportunity presented to me.
Any info and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
I doubt it will affect any future applications but the only way to know for sure will be to call them and ask
Thanks Sharrie! I'll give them a ring. :)