What experience for Cath Lab is best?

Specialties Cardiac


I'm a new grad and just interviewed for an internship in the Critical Care Dept of a large hospital. I am interested in getting into a Cath Lab eventually. What I need to know is what is the best type of experience to have for this? This critical care dept has Open Hearts as well as every other type of patient on an ICU unit. Is this the best place for me to start?

I too am interested in the cath lab, I went one day to observe during school and I LOVED it so much I didn't want to leave :lol2: :lol2:

Ever since then I have had tunnel vision and I got a job on a tele stepdown unit ( I start in July after graduation in May) that gets post caths, rule out MI and EPS patients just to get the experience I need to go to the cath lab.... I can't wait to get there someday!! Good luck to you!!

The CCL is cool. Only problem with that is that you have to be cool as well. Many nurses are, but over 18 years of CCL i have seen many chickens without a head. You decide yourself what CCL element you are.

I hope you will decide for the best, good luck.

PS. Only CCL gives you experience in CCL, nothing else. I have noticed that you have things to learn every day for the first five years, easy. Good luck again, it is a field of its own, no misteries, just timing.

Specializes in Telemetry/CCU/Home Health.


I appreciate the insight about the CCL. I am sure it will be hard no matter what I do before hand, but I am also the type that gets bored VERY easy, so for me to get into a position that takes that long to even get a good base, well that's right up my alley! If not, then I can always go somewhere else, the OR is my second choice, guess I like the idea of one patient at a time! ;)

surgeons are always our rescue, although we do not like them. why? simple: they don't take cardiogenic shock, our biggest problem. fortunately, rare problem.

to come to topic, my answer would be


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