Published Nov 8, 2005
90 Posts
I am currently working on my FNP..just wondering if any of you work full-time and have husbands who stay at home with your kids in order to avoid day-care? We don't have kids yet, but my husband teaches and in all likelihood I will probably always bring in the higher income, and love my job as a nurse. We are considering this option once I finish grad school and settle into a FNP position.
241 Posts
WOW! Your husband is one lucky guy to have a wife who can bring home the bacon and cook it too.
17 Articles; 45,832 Posts
Hello, LOVERN,:balloons:
Actually, yes. Did that. But, the salary difference was a bone of contention with the ex. Couldn't handle it and never truly accepted me being the "bread winner" of the family.
Sad. But, he was not a good provider anyway.
I think it is a good idea despite my experience. Nothing that says you have to practice mainstream America. Many men stay at home now.
1,116 Posts
I would think that is definitely a "doable" plan granted you have the right husband ! Some men couldn't handle it though. The best part for you guys is that this will work when the kids are little and then as they hit school he can transition back into doing that...and you still won't have to worry about what to do with the kids on summer break and such.
At some point in our lives, it is our plan that I will work full time as an NP and my husband can take on a much less stressful and time consuming job. He currently is an engineer/manager in manufacturing and the pace is a killer....literally.
I like the way you are planning things out. I sometimes think this is unique to nurses. I have sooooo many friends who have kids and think "well now what do we do " in regards to taking care of them, dealing with childcare and such. I deliberately planned to be a nurse so I would have the flexibility in caring for my child. Sounds like you are doing the same.
Yes, I love nursing for that very reason-being able to sort of "plan" things out to fit my family's schedules and future needs. This is why we've held off on having kids-to wait till I finish grad school, I'll be 26 at that point so I consider that to be a nice age to have a baby.
Aside from my maternity leave, IF I am fortunate enough to be in an NP position which will allow us to cut back on one income, it will be his. My husband is VERY supportive of my career, and encourages me to do what I want to do with it. He is secure with my "bringing in the bacon" and would make a great stay-at-home dad. Obviously he's great with kids since he teaches in the school system anyway, although it IS high school. But still..
We are planning, if possible, to have him at home when the kids are small, then he can return to teaching once they enter school, which will work out nicely since he works the same schedule. I have been researching the NP positions in my area, there are many ranging from part-time, to those which consist of working Mon-Thurs, Tues-Fri., or the traditional full-time. So I think we'll have some options. Just wanted to hear from others who may have considered it or tried it.
78 Posts
I work full time in the ER and my husband has stayed home for the last 2 years. We call him the "manny". He does the cleaning and wash and is home when my 6 year old gets home from school. I don't have to worry if my child is home sick or something needs to be done and that way I can focus on my work and not worry about what is going on at home.
Well, that sounds great! How has this worked out for you both financially? We have a mortgage and no car payment currently, no debt other than just recurrent utility bills and such. My student loan is minimal from undergrad but is waived right now because of me being in grad school. Did you all have to cut back a lot on your finances or did you find that your salary as an NP was sufficient? I'd still like to be able to take summer vacations and such if we did this with kids. But I think we could almost afford to make it on just my salary right now without kids, so I think we'd be fine. It's nice to hear from others who are doing it and making it work though!